Thursday, September 28, 2017

A Guide to the Different Types of Surfboard Bags

You have a lot invested in your surfboard, so it only makes sense that you will want to protect it with the right surfboard bag. With so many choices, finding the ideal one is often more difficult than it sounds, which is why we would like to offer the following guidelines.

Need only basic protection? If so, a surfboard sock might be just what you are looking for. This type of bag typically contains padding only in the nose, and fits your board snugly to protect it from dings, scratches, and sun damage.

If your board is often hauled on top of your car, you might need more protection than a sock would provide. In that case, we recommend a day surfboard bag, which has significantly more padding along with extra features such as outside pockets and a carrying strap. Some even contain reflective material to help keep your board cool when it is outside for any extended period.

Travel bags are a must if you plan to fly with your surfboard or carry it very long distances. This type of bag normally contains additional room for a wet suit, board shorts, wax, and other necessities. It also provides more padding than what you would normally find in a day bag, so you won’t have to worry about luggage handlers treating your surfboard roughly. You may also want a travel bag when hauling your board on top of your car over very rough terrain.

Many surfers purchase different bags for use on different occasions, as there is no one perfect choice that is right for everyone. To find the ideal surfboard bag, please contact us.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Surfing 101: 5 Longboard Surfing Tips

If you just picked up your first longboard and you're itching to try it out, we suggest taking a deep breath and reading up on a few surfing tips. Unfortunately, jumping on your longboard for the first time without learning a few simple how-to's can lead to a disastrous beginning. Below we've listed 5 tips that will help you have a successful surfing experience.
  1. The back of the board is your friend. Standing further back on your longboard gives you increased control. In this position, you'll have an easier time maneuvering your surfboard with your back foot.
  2. The space between your feet matters. A shoulder width stance ups your balance and maximizes your center of gravity, which is crucial to staying on your feet. Too wide or too narrow a stance can negatively affect your ability to ride a wave.
  3. Be aware of your upper body. Leaning too far forward at your waist makes controlling your longboard more difficult. A slight bend is best and will offer you the most control. Don't worry if you feel uncomfortable at first, with practice your body will become used to the positioning and it will soon feel like second nature.
  4. Pop up to your feet not to your knees. When you are getting ready to pop up on your surfboard, its best to go straight to feet instead of popping up to your knees. While it may seem easier, it's actually harder to transition from your knees to your feet. To get used to the motion, practice popping up before getting into the water. Eventually, getting to your feet in one swift motion will feel natural to you, until then continue to practice in and out of the water.
  5. Bend your knees for speed. Bending your knees helps you pick up speed while you are riding a wave. Experimenting with this concept is really the only way to gauge what works best for you. After you've mastered standing on your longboard, you'll want to play around with this approach to better understand how your speed changes with the positioning of your knees.
If you would like to purchase a longboard, please contact us today to view our inventory of new and used surfboards.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Plan Your Surfing Trip to Costa Rica Today

Costa Rica's beaches are totally gnarley dude and have been flocked to for their incomparable surf and far out waves for decades. Here at we have compiled a list of the top 5 beaches to visit in Costa Rica. These beaches are most popular among surfers, both visiting and local, and will give every adventurer the best chance of catching The Big One.

1. Cabo Matapalo
- Located in the southern region of Costa Rica, Cabo Matapalo is ideal for those visitors with varying range of surfing experience. While large swells and fierce waves roll in along the rocky bottom, the other side of the beach provides much smaller swell and lighter waves that roll sweetly on to shore. Experienced surfers will enjoy the tough waves and beginners can enjoy exploring the surf along the crystal blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.

2. Playa Grande
- Playa Grande, also known as Grande Beach, is located in the Guanacaste area of Costa Rica. Surfers all over the world have flocked to Playa Grande for years, and the neighboring town of Tamarindo hosts many surfing competitions. While experienced surfers are known to occupy this shore, it is also an ideal place for beginners or those looking to build their surfing skills. With breaks that are moderate and constant, Grande Beach has earned the reputation of being the premiere surfing destination in Costa Rica.

3. Playa Negra
- Playa Negra is known and hailed for it's natural sand beaches and is also located in the Guanacaste area of Costa Rica. The only way to access the beach is on a little dirt road, so it is best to use a 4x4 vehicle to cross the rough terrain and small rivers. Although it is a bit difficult to get to, once you are there all the effort is worth it; with a fast and hollow reef break. This beach is also known for its right hand barrel waves making this one of the best spots for surfing all along the coast.

4. Nosara
- Guinos is a vast and spread out town that is home to many American retirees; making this a small extension of the U.S. and the most ideal location to enjoy the Nosara area. Guinos beach is often considered to be one of the best surfing locations for both beginner and advanced surfers. This destination is especially popular among American tourists as a majority of the inhabitants speak English Fluently.

5. Mal Pais
- Mal Pais is a surfing village that provides visitors with a quieter destination than more popular vacation spots. The beach provides both sand and rock bottom waters; allowing beginner and advanced surfers to enjoy the waves at this beach. While taking breaks from your time in the water, make sure to check out the lush green forest that surrounds the beach; but watch out for those tricky little monkeys!

No matter your style, one thing is clear; Costa Rica's beaches were meant to be surfed. But don't forget your surfboards man! Make sure to head to our website today or contact us for the best boards in the biz.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

4 Tips for Surfing at Night

Thinking about taking your surfboard out at night? Whether it’s because you’re always busy with work during the day or because you want to surf at a quiet time when the ocean isn’t crowded, surfing by night can be fun -- if you do it right. Here are some tips for surfing at night.

Get As Much Light As You Can
Surfing in the dark is dangerous. You can’t see obstacles, sea creatures and waves very well. Therefore, it’s important that you get as much light as you can. You can bring your own lights, such as a bright flashlight attached to your body. You can even leave your car’s headlights on. Try surfing near areas where there is light from surrounding buildings. If possible, go surfing when there is a full moon that is unobstructed by clouds.

Don’t Go Alone
Even if you surf alone by day, don’t do it at night. Always go with a friend who will be able to help you out if trouble arises. If you can’t see each other, make sure you shout out to each other on a regular basis.

Don’t Take Unnecessary Risks
Even if you surf in riskier waters during the day, avoid them by night. Aim for gentle waters and calm waves. Without much light, even small waves can seem like they are larger than they are.

Stick to Your Comfort Zone
Don’t go into unknown waters for the first time at night. Stick to areas where you are comfortable with. It’s best to surf in places where you know the obstacles that are there even if you don’t see them.

Looking for the perfect surfboard? Contact us today!