Thursday, March 10, 2016

3 Tips to Make your Surfboard Last

If you're an avid surfer, you know that your board can quickly take a beating. If you want to avoid buying a new board every season, you caring for your board after every session. Not only will you get more out of it time and again, but careful and quick repairs will allow you to sell your used surfboard at a higher price. Here are 3 ways to maintain your surfboard for performance and longevity.

1. Store it properly.
Whether your board has been put away for a season or you're traveling with it nonstop, you should keep your board in a safe place or in a surfboard bag. Since boards are the most fragile out of the water, it's important to make sure that your traveling isn't putting your board at risk. A surfboard bag will protect your board from sunlight, scratches, and dings as it leans against a wall in your garage or sits in your car.

2. Practice better care on the waves.
While your board is made for the water, there are ways you can actually be doing more harm to your board while having fun at the beach. For example, it's never good to run your board right into the beach, as your fins can wear down quickly or break when run into the sand. In addition, wearing a surfboard leash will help make sure that your board does not float away and end up rocking against rocks, or hurting another surfer or beach goer. By controlling your board while you're out surfing, you'll not only have more surf time but keep your board safe. 

3. Fix dings as soon as possible.
If your board does get damaged, it's important to fix it as soon as you can. This is especially important for boards made of EPS/epoxy, which will soak up the corrosive saltwater and corrode the inside foam of the board. You'll want to rinse out your entire board with fresh water and then let it dry before you use your ding repairing kit.

Overall, keeping your board in good shape will allow you to enjoy it for longer. To learn more about how to care for your board, contact us.

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